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About ParaWest

We've spent the last year reading, studying and ingesting as many strange tales, ancient civilization stories, cryptozoological tales and pretty much all of the stuff they won't teach you in school. The idea behind all of the studious behavior is to learn the most effective ways to investigate these fascinating things ourselves and then keep an ongoing journal of sorts to share our findings, impressions and opinions. We have always loved a good challenge and we believe that we have found the challenge of all challenges with the bizarre world of the paranormal.  So the strange is out there, regardless of whether we choose to reject it or not...  We choose not to reject it and rather do the opposite and chase it down.  Our curiosity wins every time. 

Ty West

Founder/Lead Investigatior/   Audio Engineer

Ty West is an Investigative Researcher focused on Utah based paranormal activity as well as a musician and dad.

Co-Founder/Video Tech

Cory Lee

Cory is an Inspection Specialist at a manufacturing company as well as an investigator of the strange

ParaWest Research Headquarters is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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